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Notify Select Contacts About Number Change

The new WhatsApp Change Number feature is just the same old feature but with a few added options. You can access the feature by going to WhatsApp Settings;

  1. Open WhatsApp on your phone and tap on the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Now, tap on “Settings” and then choose “Account”.
  3. Under Account settings, tap on “Change number”.
  4. After that, tap the “Next” button from the bottom and enter your old and new phone numbers with your country code.
  5. Again tap on “Next”. Here you will see the option to “Notify contacts”.
  6. Tap on it to enable the Notify your contacts about your new number. This offers three options – “All contacts, Contacts I have chats with, Custom”. So, if you want to notify only select contacts about your new WhatsApp number, tap on the third option and then select the contact whom you want to send a notification of your number change. However, regardless of selecting any of these three options, all your groups will be notified about your WhatsApp number change. So, make sure to leave a group before changing the number if you don’t want to alert the group members. So, this is how you can notify select contacts when you change your number. For more such tips and tricks, stay tuned!