Telegram version 4.8 brings a new video streaming feature, a new setting that enables Night Mode, and a Telegram Login Widget. All these features are currently available for Android users and will be available to iOS users soon.

Telegram new features

Video Streaming

The Telegram version 4.8 comes with a new video player option. So, when someone sends you a video, you will not have to download it before you could play it on your device. With the new video streaming support, you can start watching videos immediately without downloading. There is a bar that tracks your progress, and a light grey line that shows how much of the playing video has buffered.

Night Mode

Another new feature in the version 4.8 brings a “Night Mode” theme. It switches the app to the dark mode when enabled. You can also schedule it anytime and it will be turned on automatically during nightfall or in low-light conditions. To set up Auto-Night Mode, you can go to Settings > Theme > Auto-Night Mode.

Login Widget

The update also adds a Telegram Login Widget with version 4.8. There is a ‘Logged in with Telegram’ section in the Privacy & Security settings that will show all the websites you are logged in to via Telegram. The latest update follows the Telegram 4.7 update which added support for multiple accounts in a single account, a quick reply feature and more. It is the first big update since last month and after the recent release of Telegram X, an experimental messaging platform for Android.