Samsung also said that the phones will come with support for 9 Indian languages, comprising of Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Bengali, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi and Gujarati. The phones are expected to fall in the sub-15k INR price bracket, which reassures us of them being mid-range devices. Although the launch date has not been specified by the company, it is expected that the launch of these two devices coincides with the launch of Samsung’s first smart watch; the Galaxy Gear and the Galaxy Note 3. Vineet Taneja, Samsung Mobile Country head, said, “We will be launching two new smartphones priced for the mid-segment market. Every phone from Samsung will have nine vernacular language options,”

Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 – Key Specs

Samsung Galaxy Express – Key Specs

The Galaxy Ace 3 will be the successor to the Ace 2 which gained a lot of popularity in the Indian market. On the other hand, the Galaxy Express will be a completely new device. The specifications of these two devices are very similar, and phones like the Micromax Canvas 2, Karbonn A8 and other budget quad core devices like the Micromax Canvas Ego might give these two Samsung Galaxy devices a run for their money.

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