For years, Samsung was silent on its foldable phone concept and there were only rumors. Now, with the introduction of the iPhone X, the Samsung Mobile CEO has also confirmed the arrival of the device. Recently, as reported by the LetsGoDigital, the Korean Research Institute National Radio Research Agency (NRRA) of the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) has approved the device with model number SM-G888N0. The report quotes the statement of Dongjin Koh, CEO of Samsung Mobile, “As the head of the company, I can say that our goal is to introduce a folding smartphone next year. Once the last problems have been overcome, we will launch the product.” Earlier, according to a report published in The Korea Herald last year, the components needed for such foldable device were already available from suppliers. Kolon Industries, the South Korean Company was said to be producing the transparent polyimide films called CPI, to replace the hard glass sheets of phones, by early 2018. Further, the report suggested that the phone could be foldable outwardly as the outward panels would have less technical issues because of a larger curvature radius. Other issues that can affect the production of the phone are components, including glass sheets and batteries. As for batteries, Samsung is not able to mass produce foldable batteries for the time being. But, the experts said that is not an issue because batteries do not need to be flexible and can be placed in the flat sides instead of folded areas. “Kolon is also able to produce around one million units of the films as pilot production in the second half of next year,” said an analyst to the Korean publication. This means Samsung can produce foldable devices in a small quantity late next year. So, the South Korean tech giant may still be hesitant to launch the foldable device. Apart from this, launching foldable devices would an expensive task and Samsung is also not so sure about the market demand. “Samsung is already capable of mass producing foldable phones – although premium models are usually made in small quantities – by late next year. But, the company is not sure whether there is market demand for the costly, foldable devices,” a source told The Korean Herald. However, given the recent buzz around the phone, it’s quite possible that the foldable device from Samsung could see the daylight in early 2018. For now, it is only a guesswork how the device will work and how costly it would be. There is not any surety whether Indians will buy an expensive device that will have some bizarre concept.