It is claimed that the phone will be priced starting from Rs 51,500, as per a tweet from Mahesh Telecom. It is suggested that the Galaxy S5 will be available for pre-order from March 28 for a pre-booking price of Rs 1,500. Also, it said that Samsung will be offering 15% cash back for the Citibank Credit Card users along with up to 18 months EMI payment options with corresponding interest rates. Tallying the discounts, the Citibank Credit Card users can grab the Galaxy S5 approximately for Rs 43,700. Furthermore, there are reports suggesting that the Galaxy S5 will be available for pre-booking until April 10 and the units will be shipped starting from April 11. In India, it is said that Samsung will follow its tradition by launching the 16 GB variant, but it is yet to be confirmed if the handset will feature the Snapdragon or the Exynos Octa processor. Going by this report, the earlier reports claiming that the Galaxy S5 will be cheaper than the Galaxy S4 as far as the launch price is concerned is ruled out. The predecessor was priced at Rs 41,500 during its release, but if the quoted Galaxy S5 price of Rs 51,500 is to be believed, the handset will be far too expensive. Anyways, we will get a clear picture of the Galaxy S5’s price once the phone is released tomorrow. Detailing on the specifications, the Galaxy S5 is fitted with a 5.1-inch full HD 1920×1080 pixel Super AMOLED display and is stuffed with a 2.5 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor paired with 2 GB of RAM. Fueled by Android 4.4.2 KitKat platform, the handset comes with 16 MP rear camera with LED Flash, BSI and 4Kvideo recording and 2.1MP front-facing camera. The Galaxy S5 is dust and water resistant with the IP67 certification and has 16 GB and 32 GB internal memory options that is expandable up to 128 GB with a micro SD. Connectivity features onboard include 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.0 LE, GPS, USB 3.0 and NFC and a 2,800 mAh battery gives a decent backup. Key Specs