Moreover, the huge popularity has also resulted in the development of a couple of clones. The Darago 3310 and Micromax X1i2017 are two of the most prevalent replicas of the Nokia 3310 (2017) available in India. On paper, both of them come with slightly inferior specifications in comparison to the original model. They do cost significantly less too. So, are they worth buying? Let’s find out.

Darago 3310 Vs Nokia 3310 (2017)

The Darago 3310 is currently available for purchase from Flipkart at price of Rs. 799. The China-made clone of Nokia 3310 (2017) looks a lot similar to the original version. But, take it in your hands, and you will know how feeble and low quality build the Darago 3310 has. It simply looks like a toy mobile beside the well-constructed Nokia 3310 (2017).

This is not the only bad this about the Darago 3310. The clone has much inferior specifications too. The 1.77-inch display of Darago 3310 is not only smaller than the 2.4-inch screen of the Nokia 3310 (2017) but also a very cheap quality one. Internally, the replica device houses feeble components. This makes the phone pretty sluggish with not up to the mark network reception. Needless to say, there is no support for Java applications. Coming to the camera, the Darago 3310 features a 0.3 MP camera in comparison to the 2 MP unit of the Nokia 3310 (2017). The former sports a 1,050 mAh battery which on the paper itself is lesser than the 1200mAh cell of the latter. This combined with the lack of proper power optimizations results in a poor battery backup of the Darago 3310. Lastly, the clone comes with just 6 months of warranty, that too without any proper service centers in India. For starters, the Nokia 3310 (2017) ships with 1-year of warranty.

Micromax X1i2017 Vs Nokia 3310 (2017)

The Micromax X1i2017 is another lookalike of the Nokia 3310 (2017). The former sports much better build quality than the Darago 3310, but it’s still not up to the mark with the Nokia 3310. However, the Micromax X1i2017 is certainly a decently made phone considering it costs just Rs. 1,199 which is about 1/3rd of the price of the Nokia 3310 (2017.

Speaking about the specs, the Micromax-made replica rocks a 2.4-inch display which looks similar to the original device, at least on paper. Hold the two mobiles side by side and you will see that the Nokia 3310 (2017) has a much better panel. Internally, the X1i2017 actually has twice (32 MB) as much storage as the Nokia 3310 (16 MB). However, this doesn’t show up in performance as Nokia has optimized its mobile quite well. Camera-wise, Micromax X1i2107, with its 0.8 MP rear camera is far behind the Nokia 3310 (2017). Talking about battery, the former actually has a larger 1300mAh battery than the 1200mAh one inside the latter. However, when it comes to real life usage, the Nokia 3310 offers more than twice battery life than Micromax.