MMX_Newscaster also expressed his gratitude towards fellow Leakster and mentor Evan (@Evleaks) who has also started a Hindi Evleaks account today. The account translates the posts in English to Hindi script rather than covering Indian Market specific leaks. “But recently following the tweets from all of you, I managed to figure out that you consider myself a creator of news rather than a reporter. I sometimes also get to read foul words through your tweets. I leak, yes, I do, but I ain’t benefited with it, still I do it. For whom? For you people. Regardless of the constraints I bear, I do the best I could and sometimes it’s a bullseye or a few times a miss.” Said MMXNewscaster in his last message on his official blog. MMXNewscaster will most probably shut down his twitter handle in next two days. He has kept the ambers of hope burning by saying that he might change his mind but that is not very likely. We will definitely miss the trusted leakster for Micromax devices and are grateful for all the exciting and timely leaks it has provided in the course of Service. Via