This release date of the Karbonn smartphone appears to coincide with the Google event that is slated to happen on September 15. At this event, the search engine giant will announce the Android One smartphones for which Google has partnered with the homegrown vendors such as Micromax, Karbonn and Spice. The confirmation for the launch of the Android One smartphones comes in as Sundar Pichai, the head of Android and Chrome would be in India for this global launch. Interestingly, the launched Android One smartphones will be available for sale right from Monday. Back in June, at the Google I/O conference, Google launch this initiative in order to provide sub $100 priced smartphones. However, the Indian vendors will be pricing their offerings between Rs 7,000 and Rs 10,000 as they could not meet all the expenses below Rs 6,000. While nothing is known about the upcoming Karbonn smartphone, it is believed to be based on the reference hardware meant for the Android One devices including a 4.5 inch display, micro SD card slot, dual SIM and FM radio.