Use Google Drive Files Offline on Android or iOS

To view and edit files without the internet on Google Drive, you first need to make them available for offline access. This can be done when you have a working internet connection, as follows. That’s it. The file will now be saved offline, post which you can view and edit it even without an internet connection. It can be any file, including Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, videos, images, and PDFs. To view saved files, open Drive, tap the hamburger menu on the top left, and select Offline. Here, you can access all the files available for offline use. As in the case of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, all the changes you make while working offline will be synced back to your Drive once you connect to a Wifi or mobile network.

Wrapping Up

So, this was a quick guide on how you can use Google Drive files offline on Android and iOS. Using the feature, you can work with your files seamlessly, be it without the internet, or on an unstable connection while traveling. By the way, Drive’s offline mode is also available on Chrome for PC users. Also, read- How to Fix Google Dri­ve Wait­ing to Upload Error