Telegram comes with a bunch of handy privacy features that let you control what others can see. If you’re a Telegram user, you can easily hide your profile picture to prevent it from being seen by fellow group members or other people you don’t know. Here’s how you can hide your Telegram profile picture on Android and iOS. Related | 2 Ways to Create and Suggest Emoji Profile Picture on Telegram

Hide Your Profile Picture in Telegram

Under the privacy controls, you can choose to show your Telegram profile picture only to selected contacts or hide it completely from people you want. Below is how you can do it on Android or iOS.

On Android

Related | Send Disappearing Messages on WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal

On iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Extra Privacy Tips for Telegram

a. Hide Your Contact Number from Others Telegram gives you the freedom to hide your number from others on the platform- you can chat using a username instead. This will prevent your number from being exposed to other people. When asked, select a username that will appear for your contacts on Telegram instead of the mobile number. b. Hide Your Online and Last Seen Status c. Prevent Strangers from Adding you to Groups  Do random strangers keep adding you to spammy groups? You can get rid of it by allowing only your contacts to add you to the groups, as follows.

Wrapping Up

This was all about how you can hide your profile picture in Telegram for Android & iOS. Besides, I’ve also mentioned some extra privacy tips like hiding your phone number, online status, and group restrictions. Anyway, what do you think is the most important privacy feature in Telegram? Do let me know in the comments below. Also, read- How to Move your WhatsApp Chats to Telegram on Android & iOS.