This is where Google steps in. The software giant has developed a tool which will let you track your lost or stolen device via various means. Not only that, the tool has some impressive functionalities built into it which let you protect yourself from data theft, i.e., maintaining your privacy in emergency situations. The Android Device Manager lets you:

Track lost/stolen phones by sending the owner the real-time co-ordinates of the location of the deviceRing the device at it’s maximum level even if the phone is on silent modeErase your data remotely thus preventing invasion into your privacy

However, the service is not a standalone application and cannot be installed via usual means to your Android device. Google is pushing the update in batches and you can expect to have the same in the coming weeks. This move from Google emphasises on the fact that most modern devices do lack the required security. Be it loopholes in software or glitches in hardware, it is not very difficult for a hacker to get into your device from some remote location and have access to your sensitive data such as passwords, credit card details, usernames to various websites, etc. 3rd party developers seemed to have realized this quite in time, however, the tools they did roll out weren’t quite up to the mark. As it is Google we’re talking about, we do expect a level of extra security which we found lacking in other apps/services from 3rd party developers. If you missed the How To which talked about getting the ADM (Android Device Manager) on your phone, you should give this a read.

Google Android Device Manager Lets You Track Your Lost Stolen Device - 89