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Get the Bottom URL Bar in Chrome for Android
Step 1: Launch Chrome & visit chrome://flags Step 2: Press the menu button and select Find in page. Type the keyword home. Step 3: Once you spot the option called Chrome Home Android, press the box below and select Enable. Step 4: Chrome will prompt users to Relaunch. Press it to relaunch with the new UI. Result: After the relaunch, the new UI will be immediately active. I’m personally a huge fan of this change and is much better for one handed use since it’s easier to reach from the edges. Additionally, press the URL bar will show a new Bottom Navigation Bar with options to access Downloads, Bookmarks & History directly.
The addition of the new bottom URL & navigation bar is a welcome change & hope Google makes it the default choice for users in the future. Of course, if you don’t fancy this change you could always revert by going back to Chrome flags and disabling this option. RELATED: Keep Your Clipboard in Sync Between Desktop & Android Devices