“In Chrome 76, we’re making it easier for users to install progressive web apps on the desktop by adding an install button to the address bar, sometimes called the Omnibox,” said one of the developers while explaining the new features in a YouTube video, adding that many operating systems now support a dark mode or theme, hinting at its another recently launched feature during the manifestation of various other properties in the video.   According to the observation of the situation what looks more of an assistance to the users, and what seems to be so far the biggest change in the browser is the impossibility of Incognito mode being detected by websites. Incognito mode is used by people for the protection of their private browsing and data if they have security issues, but by far many websites have been able to intrude onto this space, unfortunately. Up till now, it has been very easily possible for websites to detect whether the incognito mode is turned on or off on someone’s device, so that they could prevent their visitors to overpass their paywalls; But from the release of Chrome 76 on, it will be harder for websites to detect as the loophole has been strenuously addressed by the giant and its developers. Many reading websites with their ability of detection usually do not allow visitors to go beyond a certain extent during their reading through a file-system API request, but as the issue is resolved now, such websites will have to face serious challenges and take certain measures to prevent users to bypass their paywalls. It is obvious that Google will not, however, be liable to any website’s policy as it suggests that to get by paywalls, websites should require readers to log in. Another new feature that has been added to the browser is that the flash player will be disabled by default. Users will have to enable it manually. Nonetheless, Chrome warns its users that the player will no longer be supported by the browser onwards December 2020. Adobe too has been trying to get away from the flash player, insinuating that it also stands by the tech giant. It would definitely annoy users, but generally, it is considered that the move is aiming at taking off the flash player from websites. Chrome 76 also comes an automatic dark mode. It is more likely to help web developers during the undertaking of their websites. It will let users able to have a suitable screen while browsing on different websites as their developers will have the convenience of plucking the mode into users’ browser according to their own preferences. Another feature that has been added, and is considered to be more helpful is the users’ awareness of tracking down their data by different extensions. Users will easily be able to check up on it as to ensure their confidentiality.