Albeit in India, Cyber Monday has still to pace up its popularity. The day, especially in US witnesses great deals and discounts on items that are bought online. But seems like, even in India, manufacturers like BlackBerry, offering tempting discounts on their products. One such tempting deal is BlackBerry Q10 QWERTY smartphone that is now available for Rs 38,990 instead Rs 44,990. However the price drop is once and for ever, but the deal will end on January 26th next year. BlackBerry Q10 QWERTY smartphone was launched in June featuring much touted BB10 OS. But evidently at that price point, the device failed to attract much customers. However with this deal, BlackBerry is pinning hopes on its loyal QWERTY customers. BlackBerry Q10 sports a 3.1-inch Super AMOLED touchscreen that has the 720X720p resolution. Powered by a dual-core 1.5GHz processor and coupled with 2GB RAM, the device comes with a 16GB internal storage which can be expanded up to 64GB. The phone is also equipped with 8 MP primary camera with LED flash and 2MP as front facing camera. The powerful battery of 2,100mAh is capable of giving the device talk time of 10 hours. Here is our quick comparison of BlackBerry Q10.

Quick Specs:

BlackBerry Q10 Now Available For Rs 38 990 After 13  Price Cut - 23